Trench Warfare Politics in the tinder era by Jason Paul
Trench Warfare Politics in the Tinder Era explains what's wrong with American politics, how we got here, and how we make things better. It covers the grand sweep of the last twenty years of American political history, but also includes specific case studies, and is aimed at practitioners of politics rather than academics. By reading this book, you will come away with a better understanding of what you personally can do to fix our country and save our democracy. Whether you are a Democratic candidate, political operative, donor, volunteer, or simply a voter, this book is for you.
About The Author
Jason Paul is a longtime political operative who got his start knocking on doors in the 2000 election. He was in the room cheering in 2004 when Barack Obama gave his convention keynote that launched him to the White House—and He was in the room protesting when Donald Trump first told New Hampshire primary voters he would build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. In between, He’s been active in the College and Young Democrats, managed local and state campaigns, and even run for office himself. He also found the time to earn a degree in politics from Brandeis University, and a law degree from the University of Connecticut. For the last few years, he has been at the center of two exciting political projects: one, an innovative fundraising organization dedicated to helping Democratic donors get the most for their money, and the other, the renaissance of the local Democratic Party in Maine's second-largest city.